Beyond Differences is a student-led organization focused on ending social isolation. Their most popular program is No One Eats Alone Day which teaches everyone how to make friends at lunch, often the most difficult part of the school day. Started in Marin, now schools in all 50 United States participate. National No One Eats Alone Day is Friday, Feb. 9. Find more information at

Students at Urban Promise Academy in Oakland participate in No One Eats Alone Day in previous years.
Beyond Differences believes that change can only be true and lasting if the agents of that change are youth themselves. Social isolation is often the precondition to the bullying, teasing and violence that occur too often in schools and communities. By focusing on social isolation, Beyond Differences helps prevent bullying and teasing instead of reacting to it.

2018 No One Eats Alone Day is Feb. 9.
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