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The first of a series of free Youth Poster Contest workshops was held at San Rafael High School on Feb. 5.  The guest instructor was Brian Narelle, a political cartoonist, writer and artist. Narelle works with the Earth Island Institute, the Union of Concerned Scientists and teaches cartooning at the Charles Schultz Museum in Santa Rosa. He’s pictured (above, standing, left) with Youth Poster Contest Producer Bruce Burtch (above, standing, right).

San Rafael High School art teacher Annie Yi (above, top, left) talks with one of her students during the workshop. Yi said the class went well and her students thoroughly enjoyed working with Narelle.  San Rafael High Schools students (above, middle) used supplies from Rileystreet Art Supply, one of the contest sponsors. Narelle consults with one of the students (above, bottom) who was working on a poster idea.  Burtch plans to offer a number of Youth Poster Contest workshops at schools across Marin County in March and April. The deadline for poster submission is May 10. Additional information is available at youthpostercontest.org.   -Photos courtesy of Bruce Burtch

The opening for “Native Expressions” at the Museum of the American Indian in Novato on March 2 had the biggest turnout the museum has ever had with approximately 75 people. Becky Olvera Schultz, the artist responsible for  the exhibit, is pictured along with members of Unole, the Women’s Drum Group, (back row, left to right) Mary Kitchens, Olvera Schultz, Maureen Garrett and (front row, left to right) Trudy Monzon, Zoey Bloom and Val Ramirez.

-Photo courtesy of Museum of the American Indian

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