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A SWEET TRADITION: In 1938, the Salvation Army created National Donut Day to honor the Salvation Army officers who served doughnuts to U.S. troops during World War I. The doughnut continues to be a symbol of the service it provides to first responders. On June 5, the San Rafael Salvation Army celebrated Donut Day by delivering 69 dozen doughnuts to first responders, including police, firefighters and Coast Guard, at 50 locations around Marin County. Pictured (above) are Lts. David and Diane Shatto, officers of The Salvation Army,  delivering doughnuts to Corte Madera Fire Station 13.

SUPPORTING FIRST RESPONDERS: Kentfield Fire Department (above, top) gave a warm welcome to Salvation Army staff, volunteers and advisory board members who delivered doughnuts. Amy Nagy, an advisory board member, delivered doughnuts to the San Rafael Police Department (above, bottom).  -Photos courtesy of San Rafael Salvation Army

GROWING PEACE GLOBALLY: Heidi Kuhn, a fifth-generation Californian, founded Roots of Peace in 1997 with a vision to transform war-torn areas in the Middle East by removing landmines and replacing them with grape vines. The idea was to provide sustainable agriculture farmland, empowering the local population to prosper and bring  peace to the region. The U.S. Agency for International Development has concluded a 10-year program aimed at improving livelihoods for Afghan farmers and boosting high-value fruit and nut exports. USAID and Roots of Peace initiated a three-year agriculture marketing program. The $30 million agricultural development investment will support agribusinesses and seek market-led solutions to improve the livelihoods of Afghan exporters and farmers. Kuhn’s new book is “Breaking Ground: From Landmines to Grapevines, One Woman’s Mission to Heal the World.” Find more information about Kuhn and her nonprofit organization at rootsofpeace.org.   -Photo courtesy of Roots of Peace

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