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Rotary Club of Novato Sunrise members were thrilled to help purchase, wrap and deliver gifts in festive sleighs to 47 children in the 25 families at the EAH Hamilton Meadow Park low-income housing community on Dec. 12. The Rotarians are grateful for all the generous people that helped with this effort that brought smiles and happiness to community members. For information, visit novatosunriserotary.org.  -Photos courtesy of Rotary Club of Novato Sunrise

Novato’s own Sparkle Foundation Inc. delivered gifts to 42 families this holiday season, 30 in the Bay Area, six in the Sacramento area and six in Southern California. Forty two single mothers and their 98 children will have a Christmas that sparkles. Due to COVID-19 safety restrictions, for 10 weeks fewer than 30 people did the work of the usual 300 volunteers to make the deliveries happen. Each family received gifts from funds and donations raised in the communities, along with a bag of groceries and $150 gift cards to local grocery stores to provide a holiday meal. More information can be found atsparklenow.org-Photos courtesy of Sparkle Foundation


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