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The Rotary Club of Novato donated $5,000 worth of food to the North Marin Community Services’ weekly food pantry, providing extra food for clients to make their Easter holiday special. The food will also help serve those in need during other days of the week, including un-housed people. Pictured (above, top, left to right) are members of the Rotary Club of Novato Larry Mazzotta, Jorg Puhr-Westerheide, Lloyd Pittman, Ron Harness and Jim Botko.            -Photo courtesy of North Marin Community Services

Baby animal season has come a little early this year and WildCare is taking care of newly orphaned baby squirrels, raccoons, opossums and a mallard duckling, among others. Tree trimming sometimes results in nest disruption of squirrels and birds so make sure you don’t have nests in your trees before you start cutting. Mother opossums who are hit by cars and killed often have live babies in their pouch. Babies sometimes get separated from their moms. You can call WildCare for advice on when to step in and help a baby animal. The WildCare wildlife hospital’s hotline is 415-456-7283. Find additional information at discoverwildcare.org.  -Photos courtesy of WildCare

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