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Giving Marin Community Partnership, a major initiative of 11 North Bay businesses, offers local nonprofit organizations assistance with marketing and outreach. At the end of 2020, Giving Marin gave back a significant percentage of funds generated through the program to Marin nonprofit organizations. Almost 100 organizations applied for the grants. Through a rigorous process, 12 organizations were chosen to receive $5,000 or $10,000 grants for a total of $75,000, the largest grant allocation Giving Marin has awarded. We’re honored to share how each organization used the grant money.

Gilead House, based in Novato, empowers homeless single moms and their children. The program is education based and part of its mission is to help the moms not only get back on their feet, but learn life and job skills that will take them to the highest level in their lives upon graduating from the program.  The organization sets them and their kids up for success which helps break the cycle of abuse leading to homelessness.

One of the personal objectives of Carrie Scrimshire, the new executive director, is to augment and intensify Gilead’s Life Skills program. The program began with basic classes such as how to cook, dealing with hygiene, preparing the day, setting aside time for school and learning — all important starters for some of the moms coming in off the streets.

Plans are underway to build on the current program curriculum by adding classes that will give these moms and their kids an even stronger chance at future success.

Nutrition classes will lead to understanding how healthy eating and making healthy decisions such as exercise result in a difference in every aspect of living a long and fit life.

Banking 101, 201 and 301 will teach everything from basic money management, balancing a checking account, saving for the future, teaching how credit impacts their lives, how to fix credit scores, impact of loans versus building savings, and living a debt free life.

Car class will teach basic skills involving vehicles, what to look for when odd noises happen and how to deal with them.

A class about online safety will guide the moms on how to protect their children on the internet.

In addition, the organization looks forward to teaching these single moms gardening skills, house maintenance and culinary skills as well as emotional investments that can be achieved through learning meditation.

The $5,000 Giving Marin grant will be used to purchase education materials and hire instructors for all of Gilead House’s Life Skills classes.

You can support the organization by bidding in the silent auction that’s underway and by attending the final auction day and wine event on May 8, 2-5 p.m., at West Wind Winery in Novato. The event will feature an extensive wine and food pairing, live music, art and the conclusion of the auction. It will be run in accordance with the California Department of Public Health COVID-19 guidance for outdoor seated live events and performance rules effective April 1. Find more information at gileadhouse.org.

-Photos courtesy of Gilead House


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