The Center for Domestic Peace has reopened its San Rafael office at 734 A St. after two years. In-person services include safe access to hotline support, legal advocacy appointments and walk-in information and support materials.
“C4DP never stopped helping people experiencing domestic violence throughout the pandemic. Our 24/7 English/Spanish hotline, emergency shelter and transitional house continued uninterrupted. Other C4DP services pivoted to remote access and will continue to do so, including legal advocacy, therapy and support groups, so there are many ways to get help,” said Marla Hedlund, development and community relations director.
Mother’s Day luncheon returns with best-selling author as speaker
Additionally, Center for Domestic Peace will continue its long-standing tradition of presenting feminist thought leaders, social justice advocates and inspiring speakers at its Mother’s Day luncheon May 6 at Peacock Gap Golf Club.

Anna Malaika Tubbs.
– Photo courtesy C4DP
“In Celebration of Mothers” honors mothers and brings together both men and women in celebration of hope, equality, love, justice and peace while raising much-needed funds to support C4DP’s work to end domestic violence.
Anna Malaika Tubbs, the New York Times’ best-selling author of “The Three Mothers: How the Mothers of Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, and James Baldwin Shaped a Nation,” which discusses the impact of Black mothers, will be the keynote speaker.
“This event offers our community the opportunity to celebrate women’s roles in mothering children, communities and nations. Ms. Tubbs will deepen our understanding and appreciation for mothers everywhere and shine a light on the three historical women featured in her book,” said Cynthia Murray, board chair.
Center for Domestic Peace provides transformational services and programs that protect and enhance victim safety. Its programs help children, teens, women and men live violence-free lives. Learn more at
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