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Mary Jane Burke, Marin County Superintendent of Schools Photo courtesy of SchoolsRule

New $1 million equity fund launched in superintendent’s name

   On Oct. 27,  Marin County public school foundation and district representatives gathered along with donors and community members at Marin’s Community School in Terra Linda for the 11th annual SchoolsRule Distribution of Funds Celebration, where SchoolsRule distributed over $700,00 benefiting all Marin public school students through each district’s foundation.  The event also served as the public announcement of the establishment of the SchoolsRule Equity in Education Fund, created in honor of Mary Jane Burke, who is retiring after 50 years of service in education – 28 of those as the Marin County superintendent of schools. To encourage continued growth of the fund as it moves into its public phase, the Marin Community Foundation announced a challenge grant to match all new donations up to $150,000. For more information, visit

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