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Ann Roggenbuck of Novato (back) and (from left) Joe Garbarino of San Rafael and Sherri and Kevin Jacobs of Novato enjoy a tour of military vehicles. Photo courtesy of St. Vincent de Paul Society of Marin

   St. Vincent de Paul Society of Marin hosted a special museum tour and dinner from a live auction package that was sold at their Pennies from Heaven Gala hosted in 2021.

   The winners of the package, Sherri and Kevin Jacobs, and 30 of their guests had an exclusive tour of one of the largest private collections of historic military vehicles in America. 

   The auction item was donated by Sue and John Oranje and Joe Garbarino. Garbarino has amassed more than 80 vehicles from World War I, World War II and the Korean War, including General Patton’s personal Jeep. The museum also hosts a variety of missile launchers, tanks, war paraphernalia, posters and combat gear.

   “Our heartfelt gratitude to the donors of this experience and our benefactors for supporting St. Vincent de Paul Society in our  efforts to end hunger, poverty and homelessness in Marin County,” said Kathleen Woodcock, director of Development and Communications at St. Vincent de Paul Society of Marin.

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