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Charlie Jeffers wants to get Lego sets into the hands of kids who can’t afford them.

  For as long as he can remember, Charlie Jeffers, a rising senior at Redwood High, played with Legos. Building the sets combined art and math, two things he loved.  What he didn’t love was that the plastic bricks typically end up in landfills and they’re expensive — so a lot of kids don’t have access to them.

    “I realize that having access to brand new Lego sets has been a privilege, so I decided to share my love of Lego with kids who don’t have bricks of their own,” Jeffers said.   

   Last year Jeffers started Pass The Bricks, a project that collects Lego bricks from around the community and repurposes them into new kits. He washes, sanitizes, sorts and reassembles the bricks into “new” sets.  

   “I want to get Lego bricks into the hands of creators who don’t have any,” he said.

   So far, he’s donated 115 sets and kept more than 370 pounds of Lego bricks out of landfills.   His goal is to start a Pass The Bricks program in 10 cities this year in hopes of donating 1,000 unique sets to kids. Marin nonprofit leaders who would like to work with Pass The Bricks can reach Jeffers at For more information, visit

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