“Many hands make light work.” English writer John Heywood penned that phrase in the 1500s. His idiom still rings true. It is what inspired the initiative and logo for the Giving Marin Community Partnership, which debuted Jan. 1, 2018. The Partners and Sponsors of Giving Marin are committed to giving back.
At year ’s end no less than 15% of the revenue generated by the initiative goes to the nonprofit community via the Giving Marin grant program. Through the first six years the program has distributed $440,000 to Marin’s nonprofit community, and underwritten more than $3 million in advertising space for local 501(c)(3) charities.
Here are updates from six of the 16 latest grant winners:
With the assistance of Giving Marin dollars, SpeakSafe has grown its youth intern team, adding 10 new student interns from high schools and colleges in Marin, totaling about 30 students to a paid student internship program.
The interns provided support and resources to those experiencing exploitation in Marin by writing articles in student newspapers, presenting at student clubs and connecting SpeakSafe with school administrators.
Additionally, the grant enabled the group to offer training to more school staff and students and parents. In total these funds covered over 250 individuals, over half of whom were youth, who were able to receive this prevention education training.
For more information, visit speaksafe.org.
West Marin Senior Services
Establishing, supporting and operating remote, online and other program delivery methods is vital to West Marin Senior Services. The Giving Marin grant allowed West Marin Senior Services to deliver a range of virtual and live events, workshops
and classes, making services and meetings more inclusive for participants who could join virtually but could not safely travel to the meeting site.
West Marin Senior Services also replaced outdated software and hardware that staff use regularly and significantly improved security software to protect against data theft. For more information, visit wmss.org.
Project Awareness and Special Sports
Project Awareness and Special Sports used part of its Giving Marin grant to expand programming. The group participated in Mill Valley Fall Art Festival and will also be part of the Mill Valley Holiday Craft Fair onDec. 7. For more information, visit projectawarenessandspecialsports.org.
Veterans Rehoming Help
A grant from Giving Marin, with augmented funds from the San Rafael Elks to rent space for donated furniture and kitchen items for previously homeless veterans, has allowed Veterans Rehoming Help to provide small amounts (under $200 each) to help individual veterans with urgent cash needs. For more information, visit elks1108.org.
Blue Star Moms
The Giving Marin grant has helped Blue Star Moms of Marin to continue their mission of supporting the troops with care packages and to help veterans with gift cards. Additionally, the group was able to send care packages overseas to troops; postage for each package is almost $20. For more information, visit bluestarmomsofmarin.org.
St. Francis Community Pantry
St. Francis Community Pantry has had a busy year. The organization signed an agreement to receive assistance from ExtraFood with weekly deliveries. The pantry continues to grow with every monetary and food donation received. The grant from Giving Marin helps keep the pantry stocked with food and personal hygiene items for families in the community.

Project Awareness and Special Sports uses grant money from Giving Marin to expand programming. Photo courtesy of PAASS

St. Francis Community Pantry in Novato is kept stocked thanks to a grant from Giving Marin. Photo courtesy of St. Francis Community Pantry
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