

San Rafael-based Ghilotti Bros. Inc. completed construction over two days in January. Rotary Club of San Rafael members hav e adopted the space next to San Rafael Joe’s. Photos courtesy of Rotary Club of San Rafael

Rotary Club of San Rafael has adopted Lauren Place, a parklet off Fourth Street in San Rafael, by refreshing it with updated hardscape and landscaping thanks to founding Giving Marin Partner Ghilotti Bros. Inc. Dedicated in September 2002, the parklet honors former San Rafael resident Lauren Grandcolas, who perished on United Airlines flight 93 on Sept. 11, 2001. The Rotary club was looking for an area in downtown San Rafael to “adopt” under the city’s “Adopt A Spot” program. Longtime club member Mike Ghilotti offered assistance from Ghilotti Bros. Inc., who’ve long been known for their generosity in supporting paving and related projects in the community.

Lauren Place was dedicated to
Lauren Grandcolas, a San Rafael
resident who lost her life on 9/11.

The work was accomplished over two days in January by a Ghilotti team with garbage and debris pickup, laying of weed cloth and decomposed granite in unpaved areas, and laying down large field stones in a grid fashion in those areas, both for an updated look and to discourage camping. Rectangular planters were moved for a more uniform look. Club member Brian Powell, a landscape architect, oversaw the overall design. “We have ideas for future upgrades, perhaps lighting and some painting, and maybe some kind of art at the entrance on Fourth to draw attention to the area,” said Rotary Community Service Chair Sherry Rogers. “So, it’s still a work in progress.” All work was done under the supervision and approval of City of San Rafael Sustainability Program Manager Cory Bytof, and the Department of Public Works. Rotarians will periodically clean up debris or trash that has accumulated. For more information, visit

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