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Marin Charitable’s annual “Floral Fling” was held at the Marin Country Club in Novato on March 13, raising more than $70,000 for at-risk youth in Marin. Jane Hartman, co-president of Marin Charitable and co-chair of the Floral Fling enjoys the springtime in Paris themed festivities.              -Photo by Glen Graves

Mara Conner (left), past president of Marin Charitable, and Liz Harrell, co-president of the organization, celebrate a successful fundraising event.  Over the years, the volunteer members have raised and distributed more than $3 million in grants to nonprofits in Marin serving adolescents.  -Photo by Glen Graves

Whistlestop supporters (from left) Vickie Soulier, Dennis Ryan, board  chair,CEO Joe O’Hehir, Susan Gilardi and Cynthia Wuthmann, board secretary joined nearly 180 people at “Whistleschtick,” Whistlestop’s annual comedy benefit at the Throckmorton Theater on April 8. The event raised $115,000 in support of Whistlestop services that help end isolation and loneliness in older adults-photo Margot Duane

The Novato Music Association Chorus will performs “Feelin’ Good: A Celebration in Song” at Unity of Marin in Hamilton on April 20, 21, 22, 27 and 28. The performing group, nearly 50 voices strong, is an opportunity for those who love to sing share their musical talent with the community. For information, go to, and for tickets go to  -Photo courtesy of Novato Music Association Chorus

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