

On June 4 and 5, Center for Volunteer &  Nonprofit Leadership, North Marin Community Services, and volunteers from the Islamic Center of Mill Valley delivered a Day of Service project impacting over 120 Novato residents. “Ramadan is literally the month of giving. It means everyone strives to find opportunities to volunteer and give back,” said Khadija Hansia, lead volunteer from the Islamic Center. Pictured are Hansia (in blue) along with other volunteers.  -Photo courtesy of Center for Volunteer & Nonprofit Leadership



Pictured (above left) are volunteers from the Islamic Center of Mill Valley preparing meals to deliver to over 120 Novato residents. Pictured (above right) is North Marin Community Services board member Uday Wangle who distributes eggs during the weekly food pantry in support of Ramadan Day of Service efforts.  -Photos courtesy of Center for Volunteer & Nonprofit Leadership


Marin Villages recently hosted a Birthday Blowout for 17 of its members turning 90 in 2018. More than 100 members, volunteers and donors enjoyed cake donated by Sweet Things of Tiburon and celebrated the secrets of longevity according to the Marin Villages members: staying active and making new friends.  Pictured (above top) is Toby Manuel, (above middle) birthday party celebrants, and (above bottom) Carmel Diamond, Twin Cities Village member with Ross Valley Village volunteer Frances Hsieh.  -Photos courtesy of Marin Villages

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