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College of Marin hosted its inaugural Black Tie & Blue Jeans gala on Aug. 30 on the Kentfield campus. The courtyard outside the Performing Arts Building was transformed into a chic and welcoming venue for approximately 300 people in attendance at the reception, dinner and silent auction that took place before the concert. More than 250 joined the crowd after the dinner for the country concert.

The gala raised $265,000 in total revenue to support College of Marin’s science, technology, engineering, arts and math (STEAM) programs. Steady occupational growth is projected in these sectors and the funds from Black Tie and Blue Jeans will help the college evolve in response to regional economic needs. Alten Construction, a diamond-level event sponsor (above), enjoyed the evening of fine food and fabulous music.

Leaving Austin opened the show with the band’s distinctive “Cali style” country music, warming up the sold-out crowd for the headlining performance by Joe Nichols . Associated Students of College of Marin (ASCOM) board members with College of Marin Police Chief Jeffrey Marozick (above) enjoyed the festivities.


Brick Inc., an architecture and interior design firm and diamond-level event sponsor (above, top), turned out to support College of Marin’s science, technology, engineering, arts and math programs.  College of Marin’s Superintendent/President David Wain Coon shared a toast with Marin IJ President and Publisher Rob Devincenzi (above, bottom).  -Photos by Jarret Standard

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