

Responding to the COVID-19 crisis, San Rafael Elks Lodge 1108 volunteers and Elks National Foundation Grant funds are making a difference providing nutritious to-go meals to those most in need, cooked up in its San Rafael Lodge Kitchen.  Since the St. Vincent de Paul Society of Marin free dining room in San Rafael was forced to close due to COVID-19 restrictions, its program switched to providing take-out meals to more than 25 people at breakfast and 250 people at lunch. Pictured (above) are Elizabeth Dunne and project team leader Dee Wagner, an Elk and professional chef.  -Photo courtesy of San Rafael Elks Lodge 1108

The Elks Kitchen Cares Project is gifting 150 brown bag lunches daily to St. Vincent de Paul Society. Three to four volunteers are in the kitchen cooking and prepping Monday through Thursday with project with Dee Wagner. Currently, 2,500 lunches are funded through the Elks grant. Every $2 donated will pay for an additional lunch. To volunteer or donate, email or call (415) 454-8835. To donate online, visit Pictured (above, left) are Lorne, Monica and Georgia McGill and (above, right) fresh baked brownies.  -Photos by Katharine Whipple and Susan Adler

As more people are staying at home during the coronavirus pandemic, there’s been an increase among those starting a garden or spending more time tending to their current garden. Sales of tomato and other plants and seeds are double or triple normal levels. Marin Master Gardeners offers gardening instruction and advice at The website also offers information about how to support local farmers and farmers’ markets during the COVID-19 crisis.  -Photo by Karen Gideon

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