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Marin Villages helps older adults stay active, connected and independent in the place they call home. Volunteers are offering grocery runs, prescription pickups, companionship calls and rides to medical appointments for this vulnerable population during the COVID-19 pandemic. Local villages are holding many social and educational events on Zoom to keep members engaged with their friends while isolated. To volunteer, become a member or make a donation, call (415) 457-4633 or visit -Photo courtesy of Marin Villages

Ravi Dashputre and Ashley DuBord, undergraduate students at the University of California, Berkeley, created the Project Thank You initiative as a means to connect elementary schools and local hospitals. They are collecting messages, artwork, poems, music, videos and photos from elementary school students around the Bay Area and virtually delivering them to local hospitals. Pictured (above) are thank you notes from Berkeley elementary schools that have been delivered to MarinHealth Medical Center. For information about this effort, email  -Photos courtesy of Project Thank You

Commercial and Residential Realtors of the North Bay hosted its 13th annual Kickball Showdown virtually May 8, raising $23,000 for Next Generation Scholars, an organization that enables low-income students in Marin to access and complete college. Over 13 years, 100% of Next Generation Scholar students have been accepted into college with full financial aid following high school graduation, and 97% of these students graduated college within five years. For information, visit -Photos from previous years courtesy of Next Generation Scholars


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