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The Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock, U.S. Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs and the U.N. Development Program in Afghanistan have partnered to expand the Community-Based Agriculture and Rural Development program to new areas. The new project with $30 million in funding, Access to Licit Livelihoods, will support farmers in provinces with abundant poppy production to transition to growing alternative high-value crops, such as fruit and vegetables, and will be implemented by UNDP through Roots of Peace, a Marin-based nonprofit. On the occasion of International Women’s Day, the Senate of the Islamic Government of Afghanistan announced the Inaugural Afghan Peace Award presented to Roots of Peace Founder and CEO Heidi Kuhn, honoring the organization’s humanitarian nonprofit work in Afghanistan. Pictured (above, top) is the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and USAD Passage to Prosperity hosting an Afghan Traders meeting in New Delhi, India, with keynote speakers Heidi Kuhn (far left) and Roots of Peace President Gary Kuhn (second from right) and (above) Heidi Kuhn with her 18-year-old son Christian Kuhn, leading the way through a former mine field in the Shomali Plain, north of Kabul. Afghan guards protect the group as Roots of Peace turns “mines into vines.”  -Photos courtesy of Roots of Peace

Age Friendly Novato was pleased to present 128 Valentine’s Day gift bags to the 150 residents at The Villas at Hamilton, a 128 unit low-income senior housing project, just before Valentine’s Day weekend. Novato Girl Scouts made Valentine cards, O.W.L.S. of Novato, a San Marin High girls group sponsored by the Soroptimist International of Novato made Valentine cookies, brownies, and cupcakes, Novato Fire Protection District provided fire safety magnets and pens, Novato Police Department provided Disaster Plan Worksheet and stickers, Marin Transit Senior Mobility Department provided Connect Trip Vouchers, Marin Transit Rider’s Guide, Clipper START Brochures, Marin Access Brochures, and Center for Volunteer & Nonprofit Leadership via Age Friendly San Anselmo donated reusable cloth masks. Due to the pandemic, the gift bags were loaded and delivered to each resident’s units with the help of Villas’ custodian Dave Sainz and Property Administrator Crystal Elliott.


Pictured (above, top, left to right) are Terry Somers, Novato Pro Tem Eric Lucan, Sylvia Barry, Crystal Elliott,  Novato Mayor Pat Eklund, Novato City Councilmember Amy Peele, Lauren Long, Novato City Councilmember  Susan Wernick, and (above, middle) San Marin High School students, and (above, bottom)  Novato Police Department’s Lauren Myr and Sylvia Barry.  -Photos courtesy of Age Friendly Novato

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