On Feb. 8, the Marin Valentine’s Ball celebrated its 24th year of supporting local organizations that serve vulnerable young people in the community. Proceeds from the ball benefited The Godmothers of St. Vincent’s School for Boys, North Bay Children’s Center and Side by Side. A record $400,000 was raised at this year’s event. Marin resident Carol Roeder and her son Chris Roeder (pictured, above) were the recipients of this year’s Hal Brown in Memorial Philanthropy Award for their many years of philanthropic support to children and youth in our community, including their contributions to the Marin Valentine’s Ball. -Photo courtesy of Drew Altizer
Whistlestop held an event called “Send the Love” on Feb. 8 at its Active Aging Center in San Rafael. Approximately 4o volunteers and supporters helped seniors create Valentine cards with the help of local artist Denise Herman, decorate Valentine sugar cookies alongside professional baker Sugar Cookie Kate and cook up heart-healthy treats with the new Whistlestop Jackson Cafe culinary team. -Photos courtesy of Sean Malone

UC Marin Master Gardeners will hold a pollinator plant sale on March 7, 9 a.m.- noon, at the Greenhouse at Falkirk Cultural Center, 1408 Mission Ave., San Rafael. The sale will feature more than 35 varieties of plants that provide food for native bees and butterflies throughout the year. Cash or checks will be accepted. For additional information, visit marinmg.ucanr.edu.
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