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An exclusive offering of a limited edition print of a painting of Mimi Farina by her sister, folk legend Joan Baez, is available for a donation to benefit Bread & Roses Presents. The organization provides live music performances to underserved people and communities in the Bay Area. To find out more about the print and donation level required, visit breadandroses.org.  -Photo of the print of painting of Mimi Farina courtesy of Bread & Roses



Marin Open Studios’ new virtual gallery is featuring “The Human Spirit” exhibition through Sept. 20. This show was curated on the theme of portraying aspects of the human experience with figurative art through visual storytelling. It draws from the talent of 80 annual Marin Open Studios participating artists. Watercolors, drawings, sculptures and abstract paintings are among the many media that will be on display at Marinopenstudios.org. Pictured (above, top to bottom) are Virginia Doyle’s “A Child’s Adventure,” Timothy Horn’s “American Hustle” and Amir Salamat’s “And So I Write.”  -Photos courtesy of Marin Open Studios

The Barry A. Murphy Fund, a Marin-based nonprofit that brings health and education to a village in Tanzania, is now helping villagers with good hygiene to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus. The organization recently provided soap to every villager in Maruvango. Most homes in sub-Sahara Africa do not have clean water and soap. In addition, the Barry A. Murphy Fund has provided clean drinking water to the two schools in Maruvango via rain catchment units. Information can be found at barryamurphyfund.org.  -Photo courtesy of the Barry A. Murphy Fund




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