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Rotary Club of San Rafael members raised $4,600 to buy gift cards for in-need San Rafael students. Target gift cards were distributed, along with goodie bags and holiday cards, in December by teachers. Several community groups also contributed to the fundraising gift effort.  -Photo of teachers courtesy of San Rafael City Schools

Melissa Prandi of PRANDI Property Management and Barry Murrin of Northern Pacific Roofing, both Giving Marin Sponsors, called in inspirational speaker/comedian Michael Pritchard, Trevor Henley of Desire to Inspire photography, and Rotary Club of Mission San Rafael to organize a fundraiser to help Il Davide’s David Haydon and Saylor’s Restaurant and Bar’s Sean Saylor. Both restaurants have been hit hard by the loss of business due to COVID-19. The effort has raised $21,000 so far. Pictured (above, top) are Haydon (left) and Saylor, and (above, bottom) Prandi, receiving the meal delivery.  -Photos by Melissa Prandi and Chris Grimshaw

The Barry A. Murphy Fund, a Marin County-based nonprofit, serves villagers in Tanzania, providing health education. The organization is supplying villagers and students with soap to help combat COVID-19. All donations go directly to the project.  For additional information, visit   -Photos of the village secondary school courtesy of the Barry A. Murphy Fund

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