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Standout athletes and scholars from Marin County high schools were honored for their accomplishments May 2 at a reception at the Embassy Suites in San Rafael.  Each year the foundation recognizes top male and female scholar athletes through the Outstanding Student Athletes Awards banquet.

Marin Athletic Foundation recognized top student athletes at a reception May 2. Row 1 (from left): Ryan Hoang, Ryan Johnson, Piper Fleece, Rebecca Sherry, Nicholas Tyler. Row 2: Marianna Stanley, Mia Hamant, Leah LaBoy, Kezian Dunn, Kaley McIntyre. Row 3: Kaya Lash, Joaquim Arauzmoore, Jenna Nottingham, James Phelan. Row 4: Jada Shore, Ethan Carr, Diane Padilla, Derek Bartram, Caden Carney. Row 5: Charlie Knapp, Bennett Steiger, Abigail Brooks, Archer Glickstein, Anna Lardner.
Photo courtesy of Marin Athletic Foundation

   Recipients demonstrated a record of academic success, leadership, are a positive model for other students and are involved in other school and community activities.

   “These students are an accomplished group of young adults,” said Judy Colton, Marin Athletic Foundation Board of Directors and event chairperson. “MAF is proud to be able to honor these outstanding students who are truly the best of the best and are representative of the fine educational institutions we have in Marin County.”

   The Marin Athletic Foundation, founded in 1984, supports all 12 Marin County high school athletic programs by focusing on the health, safety and injury prevention of all student athletes. Support includes multiple scholarships to students and an annual gift to each athletic department. Learn more about the MAF at marinathleticfoundation.org.

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