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Representatives from public school foundations in Marin County gather for the SchoolsRule annual funds distribution. Photo courtesy of SchoolsRule

   Foundations received $784,784 in funds at SchoolsRule’s 12th Annual Distribution event held Oct. 26 at the Marin County Office of Education’s Community School.

The funds, donated by businesses, community agencies and individual donors, provide direct support for programs in the areas of literacy, the arts, technology and health, to every public
Marin school district.

Last year, SchoolsRule established the SchoolsRule Equity in Education Fund which uses a needs-based calculation providing additional proportional funding added to the per-pupil grant to the districts with the greatest needs.

The annual SchoolsRule funds disbursement is the largest single contribution for the majority of the district foundations and constitutes more than half of the operational budget for HeadsUp San Rafael Foundation and School Fuel Novato Foundation, who represent the largest and most vulnerable student populations, organizers said.

“HeadsUp is grateful to be part of the SchoolsRule coalition of Marin school foundations. SchoolsRule demonstrates the power of working together as a community to support all students in Marin,” said Michelene Moayedi, executive director of HeadsUp, the San Rafael Schools Foundation. “As the foundation that received the largest distribution this year we are filled with gratitude. These funds make up 50% of our program budget and touch over 7,000 students.”

  These funds will support arts enrichment at the elementary schools, after school enrichment
at the middle schools, and college and career counseling at the high schools. They will also support
the wellness centers at Davidson Middle School, and San Rafael and Terra Linda high schools.

“When SchoolsRule was founded more than a decade ago, students who were then in kindergarten are now seniors in high school and have benefited from SchoolsRule funded programs at each step of their academic journey thanks to the generosity of our donor community,” said Trisha Garlock, SchoolsRule executive director. “We are beyond grateful for the continued support from our business partners and individual contributors, who continue to share our vision of supporting every student in every zip code.”

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